The voice of Tourism business 


The Tourism Business Council Of Zimbabwe Welcome members, potential members as well as all our Stakeholders to their site that opens doors to all tourism information and important  sites and links for tourism in the country. As the voice of Tourism Business. TBCZ presents the entire scope of travel and tourism enterprises.ranging from Operators of retails travel agencies, safari and hunting operators to car rentals and activities companies all organised into sub-sector member associations.

Paul N. Matamisa - CEO


Programmes & Services

To promote, protect and represent the interests of tourism business through advocacy, lobbying and stakeholder participation.

The Tourism Business Council of Zimbabwe to be referred to as T.B.C.Z in short has the following services and programmes on offer most times. TBCZ is organised in sub associations and corporate membership. These in turn are organised in service clusters, which in general can be categorized as Hospitality, Transport and Activities.

Major programmes for TBCZ in a given year include, the Annual Tourism Convention which aims to bring together regional tourism leaders, planners, and operators as well as international presenters and voices of authority to map the way into the future for tourism in Zimbabwe and beyond especially the Region.

We aim to have at least two or three fundraising projects which help to raise much needed funds. The TBCZ is in the main funded through subscriptions from the membership.


The voice of Tourism business 

We Follow Best Practices

Accountability – taking responsibility for individual and team actions, decisions and results by establishing clear plans and goals and measuring progress against them

About Founders

We are the voice of Tourism Business in Zimbabwe


Clive Chinwada


Wengayi Nhau

Immediate Past President



Kathy Nyaumwe-Kathewela

Vice President , Activities Cluster

Farai Chimba

Vice President, Accommodation /Hospitality Cluster

Isabel Sachiti

Vice President, Access Cluster


Paul N. Matamisa


Precious S. Marimbire


Stan Higgins

PR - Consultant

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Frequently Asked Questions

It stand for the interest of Tourism Business 

Lobbying and advocacy insuraning the viability of business

YES, entirely as long as you are subscribe to the principles and interest of industry 

Have to be a full member of TBCZ in operation for atleast 2 years and above.