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As a strategy to promote the tourism sector based on its contribution to the economy in Zimbabwe, Government decided to exempt accommodation services for tourists from Value Added Tax (VAT). This was intended to ensure that accommodation services offered by Zimbabwean hotels, lodges and other providers would have some competitive edge over what is charged in neighbouring countries. However, as the tax base continues to shrink owing to economic challenges, Government became constrained, forcing it to continue to explore other mechanisms of enhancing fiscal space.Read More on(ONLINE) ZCT Policy Brief

TBCZ Secretariat
Meet with acting ZTA Chief Executive

After the recent moves at Zimbabwe Tour- ism Authority Organisation TBCZ went to meet the acting Chief Executive, mainly to acquaint with the man at the helm and to discuss a few pertinent issues which are key for the smooth running of the indus- try.From ZTA Mr. William Stima and Mrs. Tessa Chikaponya attended the meeting abd TBCZ was represented by Mr Stan Higgins, Mrs. Precious Marimbire and Mr. Paul Matamisa the Chief Executive Offi- cer.. Read MoreTBCZ NEWSLETTER FEB- MARCH (1)

Foreign Currency Policy

A recent Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe statement on foreign currency gave us all the immediate impression that changes had been made to existing policies, but after discussion with the tourism desk at TBCZ we can advise that there has been no change to procedures for the tourism sector. Read More TBCZ NEWSLETTER OCTOBER (3)

Tourism Earnings Increasingly Significant

In late 2023 it was reported widely that tourism’s contribution to the national economy was growing significantly and for the first time had, for the first three quarters of the year, achieved a higher contribution – 12,1 percent – than each of the other reporting sectors.Read more:TBCZ NEWSLETTERJANUARY 2024 (1)

Talking about World Tourism Month, the Honorable Barbara Rwodzi, Minister of Tourism and Hospitality on the 27th Sep- tember 2023 celebrated World Tourism Day in Mtoko at the scenic and innovative Suskwe Lodges. The theme for this year’s World Tourism Day was “Tourism and Green Investments” which talks to People, Planet and Prosperity of Nations through Tourism..Read More:TBCZ NEWSLETTER (1)

This paper summarises findings of a study commissioned by the Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe (HAZ) on the impacts of Statutory Instrument (SI) 64 of 2016 on the hospitality sector. In June 2016, the government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) gazetted SI 64 which regulated the importation of 43 products, by removing them from the Open General Import Licence (OGIL). The rationale for the import management measures was to help government manage the high import bill, boost local capacity utilisation, avert company closures and address the challenges stemming from the usage of the multi-currency regime…Readmore HAZ Policy Brief 1.3